Welcome to our blog

Glad you chose to visit our blog that documents our trail as we bicycle from the Niagara Falls area to the east side of Iowa, then join up with 10K bikers for RAGBRAI. We are following the northern tier route from Adventure Cycling Association. We have 2 vehicles (40ft RV and a Jeep). The normal days ride involves the logistics of driving one vehicle approx. 50 miles west, hopping on our bikes (pulling a trailer with our dog Zin), riding back East to the other vehicle. This way we get to ride together, take advantage of the prevailing westerly winds and stay in the comfort of our RV. Hope you enjoy the ride!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Day 12 – Paulding, OH to Mary Jane Thurston Park

Theresa googled Paulding and found a Chief's grocery store that would be suitable to stage the Jeep overnight until we bike back to it on Saturday. Knowing it was going to be the Hottest day yet we were up at 5:30 put some last items in the Jeep, took coffee with us and drove the 40 + miles to Paulding. Kevin went in and asked if it is OK to leave the car while Theresa took Zin to do her AM duty. All was OK so we prepared for today's trek. Kevin discovered he did not bring his dew rag that helps keep the sweat out of his eyes and Theresa forgot her sunglasses. Kevin had another pair of glasses in the Jeep that had the needed bifocal reader so Theresa could read the maps and directions. Kevin however was not looking forward to sweat dripping and stinging his eyes. We were finally ready to roll by 7:30am (still not very early considering the heat of the day and the 53 mile route).

The Route:
Having not eaten in the RV we rolled across the street to McDonalds to consume fuel for the day. Kevin had a large OJ with his Sausage McMuffin, Theresa on the other hand still needed more coffee to wash down her Egg McMuffin. Zin got a few morsels of sausage as she loves meat. As we eat our b-fast several utility trucks rolled by carrying what we assumed were poles to repair the damage from recent heavy storms in the area. At about 8:00 we were ready to roll South to pick up the designated trail. There was not a cloud in the sky so the sun was in full intensity immediately! Theresa took the first pull out of town and into the abyss of Ohio. There was absolutely nothing except open fields patch-worked with country roads with large numbered signs. This made it easy to identify our turns. Locals who passed in pick up trucks gave us a friendly wave. The first switch of the trailer was at 11 miles at a crossroads named Junction (cleaver these Ohioans). We turned onto a road that followed the Auglaise river. The roads were smooth but rolled up and down to river level then back up to about 50 feet. That may not seem like much of a climb but with 80 lbs of dog and trailer and a heavy bike in the heat even the slightest climb slowed us down by 3-5 mph. The next large town was Defiance. Theresa needed to pick up some lip medicine as her lips were beginning to blister from the intense sun exposure, even with sunscreen applied liberally several times each day, she will inevitably break out! Kevin spotted a Chief's grocery store with a Pharmacy so we pulled into some shade at the far edge of the parking lot. Theresa got what she needed and also found some little girl's head bands that might serve to stop the sweat now pouring from Kevin's helmet into his eyes. He and Zin rested in the shade and drank some water. In this heat we also tried to pour water on Zin to keep her from over heating. Despite the fact she is not peddling she is still sitting upright in the trailer and using her legs to balance as the trailer rolls down the road. This does wear her out, but she is never reluctant to hop back in the trailer and go for a ride. We have also started to leave the back flap of the trailer open so that she will get more airflow. Kevin continued to pull Zin to the next stop, Florida, which promised at least a grocery store in 9 miles. We were now following the Maumee river on the north side. There were spots where trees provided some shade over the road but it was short lived and was of little relief. We pulled into Florida and spied the only store with a sign “Closed for remodeling” , great! Kevin was over heating so he laid down on a picnic table in the shade. Theresa saw a garden hose leading behind a building. She tuned on the water and began to spray the water from her head to tow. Kevin did the same and Zin reluctantly got the same treatment. Water bottles where filled but no restrooms were needed as we were all sweating everything out! Theresa's turn to pull again. It was another 10 mile stretch into Napoleon. She kept a steady 10-11mph pace but did have to contend with the fluctuating gradual climbs. Once in town we crossed to the south side of the Maumee River and stopped at a Subway. Sirens sounded the noon alarm so the wait for the sandwich was a bit long as a line of 7 or so workers were ahead of her. We sat in the shade outside and consumed some much needed lunch. We watered Zin and gave her a few remains from our meal. Theresa was a bit recovered and ready to continue for a bit further as she estimated 12 miles to the campsite. Out side of town we joined hwy 6 with a constant stream of semi trucks passing in both directions. Most gave us our space as there was not much of a shoulder and Theresa seemed to accelerate from the draft as they passed. Several where heading in and out of a large Campbell's soup plant which also produced V8. Who drinks that stuff? According to the map the route was suppose to follow the river but it was about 1 mile away from it so there was no shade, only the sun baking the road (and us) as it reflected the heat. As we later discovered the temp was 105 with a heat index of 115. Theresa was getting slower and slower and only able to barely do 8mph. She at last found some shade so Kevin could take over the 80lbs of rolling resistance and make the death march the last 7 miles to the camp site. We passed 5 different RV parks leading up to our campground, all with full hook ups and wished we had booked any of these instead of where we were at so we could have immediate relief from the heat when we arrived.

Day 8 of riding, 53 miles, 12 mph avg, total trip miles 393, and 2936 calories burned for the days ride.

See Kevin's garmin stats here:

How hot was it?
It was so hot we had to hold the water from our bottles in our mouth just to cool it off before we swallowed it.
It was so hot that Kevin's Garmin over heated.
It was so hot Kevin saw mirages of Ice Cream cones and Ice Castles.
It was so hot that a water bottle that Kevin packed with ice was completely melted and warm in 3.1 miles.
It was so hot that upon the end of our ride when we stepped into the RV it felt cooler than outside. The RV was closed baking in the sun with no AC all day. We the temp in the RV and it was 98. (which was cooler than outside.)
It was so hot that Kevin got a 2nd degree burn from his frame when he loaded it up on the bike rack.
It was so hot that 2 ACs running off the generator in the RV could only get the temp down to 88 degrees in 4 hours!
It was so hot that the external temp registered at 119 on the RV.
It was so hot that our fat melted off our bodies like squeeze butter!

After the ride:
We sat out side in the shade and breeze and downed ice water and ice beer. After 2 hours the RV temp was at 90 and not making any more progress. We sprayed ourselves with the outside shower (which was hot) then went inside and turned on every fan we could find! The generator will surely be running all night! Kevin called our insurance about the RV windshield that we hope to get repaired when we are staying in Moline, IL before RAGBRAI. Reconsidering the generator running all night we found a private campground near Huntington, IN that had full hook up and had a site for 3 days! We gathered all the gear spread out over our current (water only) site in less that 30 min and were off about 100 miles to the comfort of 50amp, water, sewer and even internet.

Plans for tomorrow:
With the new campsite Theresa will have to figure out tomorrows distance back to the car in Paulding. Yes we say good by to Ohio, but not the heat. There is one more high heat day forecasted for tomorrow. Maybe we get up at 3AM so that we can hit the road by 6 and be done before noon.

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