Welcome to our blog

Glad you chose to visit our blog that documents our trail as we bicycle from the Niagara Falls area to the east side of Iowa, then join up with 10K bikers for RAGBRAI. We are following the northern tier route from Adventure Cycling Association. We have 2 vehicles (40ft RV and a Jeep). The normal days ride involves the logistics of driving one vehicle approx. 50 miles west, hopping on our bikes (pulling a trailer with our dog Zin), riding back East to the other vehicle. This way we get to ride together, take advantage of the prevailing westerly winds and stay in the comfort of our RV. Hope you enjoy the ride!

Monday, July 23, 2012

RAGBRAI Day 2 Cherokee to Lake View (62 miles)

Breakfast Burrito line.  Yes it was worth it.
Starting at sunrise.

As planned Joe and Theresa were ready to head out by 6:15 AM. Kevin had the RV all fired up and was heading for the Dump station that was conveniently in the Fairgrounds where we camped. The strategy for the day was to make as much progress as we could early in the day, do short stops but see whatever the towns had to offer. The towns were very evenly spaced today about 11 miles apart so this was perfect for rest stops and refueling. The first exit out of town was up a hill, but with the sun just rising and leftover rain from last nights showers it was a glorious view! The ride to the first town was rolling hills that let you coast downhill at about 22mph and then top the next rise at about 18mph. Signs along the way close to town advertised pancakes, sausage and breakfast burritos. By the time rolled into Aurelia hungry for b-fast. Theresa stood in line for the burrito while Joe opted for the the pancakes. After consuming every bite we headed out to see which carbo load would produce the most power.

Again the roads were gentle rises and falls that let Theresa take the lead for a bit to set the pace then Joe would power ahead and take his turn. Theresa thought this must be how the Thorns keep the pace line going and are able to do 20 mph averages. Perhaps when she returns she will be ready to try to stay with the Stems... but then again maybe not :) We passed by all shapes, sizes and styles of cyclist.  One guy was riding a unicycle and another was on roller blades.  Impressive!  
Lake View

The next 'town' was Hanover Village which was more of a crossing of two roads with a country store and a few houses. Never the less they had free water station, hamburgers, pancakes and other delights all set up for the bikers to consume. There was also a display of an old saw mill where they were saving the side off a large tree stump. Wanting to keep to the plan of short stops Joe and Theresa got water bottles filled, walked around for a bit, had a brief conversation with the locals, thanked them and then once again joined the continual flow of cyclists on the road. Heading south there was a bit more headwind so Theresa tucked in behind Joe to get the benefit of the vortex. By 10:30 we got to the halfway town of Schaller where the claimed of fame was “The Popcorn Capital of the World”. Free popcorn was handed out, however Joe really wanted some Sweet corn and Theresa went in search of a glass of Ice and DT Coke. Theresa did breakdown and had some of the free popcorn which quickly made her mouth even dryer so she washed it down with the soda. The short rest was up so off we rolled. The next town came up fast as they were clocking in the 20s on the flats when we came into Nemaha (population 85). The town folks where wearing and selling t-shirts with the Town slogan “The Mighty little town!” on the front and on the back said “Now get back on your bike and get the Hell of of town.... have a nice day!” Joe and Theresa following the orders filled water bottles and made their exit. Theresa quickly got back into Stem-training mode as we accelerated back to cruising speeds of around 18-20mph. 
Fueled TNR team!

As they rolled into the last town of Sac City Joe asked Theresa if she was ready for snack or lunch.  Theresa's stomach was growling so she responded LUNCH! Just as they were slowing down for their exit, there was Kevin on the side of the road flagging then down! Kevin had spent two hours just getting the RV out of the previous town, then had to drive 60 miles to todays end and find where to park the Smitanic. It was after 10 when he finally got to get biking on the route upstream.  He was on the verge of another bonk and eating a Porkloin sandwich with coleslaw and Coke. This looked might good to Theresa so she set off to line up for that vendor. She also needed ice so that was another vendor to get that. Joe thought the pulled pork was a good choice. The TNR contingent sat under the camouflage shade tent and powered down the much needed fuel. Joe and Theresa convinced Kevin to not go any further upstream and just return back to the town with them. He willingly agreed as it was really heating up. There were a few tough climbs out of town then gradual rollers the last 9.5 miles into Lake View. Theresa in full stem mode pushed up every hill with Kevin and Joe drafting behind. She was just ready to get into town and be out of the heat.  The last few hills did her in as she hit the proverbial wall and could no longer keep the Stem pace. Finally we arrived in Lake View whose slogan is “It's a life style”. 

The RV was parked at the HS away from the lifestyle of the lake and felt more like a desert than a Lake town. Kevin had the AC going to keep Zin comfortable so it was at least 20 degrees different than the near 100 degree temps outside. After relaxing and consuming some recovery beverages Theresa was off to the showers and Joe soon followed. Kevin still felt the heat of the day so he held down the fort in the RV. The showers where constructed on the outside of the school out of 2x4s and black plastic sheets. There was a line of about 18 individual coed showers with a line of about 20ish people who paid $5 for a scrachy towel and a 30 min wait in the sun for a cold shower. Theresa paid her $5 bucks and put the towel on her head to try to keep some of the sun form melting her. The shower was surprisingly refreshing but by the time you got back to the RV you were ready for a redo.

Theresa advised Kevin to just use the RV shower rather then standing 1 hour in the heat. So he did and it was good.

Right now we are tring to stay cool in the comfort of the Smitanic. Generator is working real hard to even get the temp to 80, but it sure beats the outside temp. Joe is napping in the recliner chair pretending to watch the News on TV. Kevin and Theresa are both working on their MacBooks to get this blog post out for anyone who cares to read it.

Tonight there is a Lasagna dinner in the HS so that is probably all we will muster the effort to get to. Tomorrow's ride is an 81 miles with a 23 mile extra loop to make a century for those who want to claim that accomplishment for the day. The prediction is for more 100+ temps. Joe wants to do the 100, however Theresa feels no need to stay out in the sun any longer than she needs to. We will try to make an even earlier start tomorrow so we can get into Webster City by 1 or 2pm.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Theresa & Kevin, Joe just pointed me to your blog and I'm so happy to see photos and hear updates. Thank you for sharing the sights and experiences. Stay cool, well as cool as you can, and have a great ride tomorrow!
    ~Leigh Pittman
